Parramatta Road Corridor Study
Posted: 12th December 2024
Bitzios Consulting was commissioned City of Canada Bay to undertake the Kings Bay, Burwood-Concord and Homebush Traffic and Transport Study (also referred to as the Parramatta Road Corridor Traffic and Transport Study). The opening of WestConnex was expected to provide an opportunity to re-consider the role of Parramatta Road. As a key public transport corridor, additional public transport capacity was expected to facilitate the intensification of key centres whilst also encouraging more active transport and local accessibility to, from and across Parramatta Road. Three precincts were identified for intensification. The traffic and transport strategy for the corridor included developing an existing condition Aimsun traffic model which we then used to assess future traffic performance of the section of Parramatta Road. Active transport and public transport strategies were also developed for the corridor section.