Caboolture West Passenger Transport Strategy
Posted: 28th November 2024
Bitzios Consulting was engaged by the Department of Transport and Main Roads to develop a long-term passenger transport strategy to guide the development of sustainable fit-for-purpose public transport networks, infrastructure, and services to support the planned growth within the Caboolture West Major Expansion Area (MEA) and surrounds. The CWPTS is a signature project for the region with numerous highly engaged stakeholders from TMR (TSP, PDO, TransLink, TAU), MBRC, and DSDMIP. It was a complex project from both a technical and stakeholder management perspective, however our proactive and highly flexible approach to scope management allowed us to successfully progress through all phases of the project, receiving positive feedback from TMR and the Technical Working Group along the way. The study also included detailed options analyses for the upgrade of Caboolture and Morayfield train stations. The study has since provided the foundation for several subsequent, more detailed investigations which followed.