
We would highly recommend your work. You were flexible, extremely respectful of lived experience, with
incredible attention to detail and an impressive calmness and professionalism when dealing with many
different inputs into the work. We are grateful for your openness to embed lived experience and for your

Marcela Hart

Penrith City Council

Griffith University has a strong working relationship with Bitzios Consulting and find their staff demonstrate excellent technical skills while providing detailed advice and recommendations to satisfy our project briefs. Griffith University has always found Bitzios Consulting to be easily contactable with open channels for consistent communication to take place, as well as being open and flexible to accommodate the need for on-site meetings and presentation of project findings… Bitzios Consulting staff maintain a high-level of local knowledge of the Gold Coast area and are extremely familiar with the University’s undertakings and campus layout…

Grant Bartholomew

Planning Design & Construction Division Griffith University

The work carried out meets the original project scope and all the project requirements. Bitzios carried out all of their work in a very friendly, competent, professional way. They were always willing to co-operate and undertake all tasks under the project scope.

Robert Smith

Road and Maritime Services

Your professionalism in analysing the likely performance of the intersection and, more importantly, the presentation of those findings has been the influence to move the RTA.

Paul McDermott

PARMAC Property Group

I may be pedantic for detail but I really appreciate everything you have done, producing quality reports with no fuss, responding to our requests for pedantic amendments to get that final level of detail, I hold you in the highest regard and appreciate all of your help, and I know your work is always well received.

Scott Wells

Shoalhaven City Council

Bitzios and yourself in particular as the main point of contact throughout the project were very professional, helpful, proactive and always willing to assist. I can’t think of any ‘improvements’ that you could have made as it was a pleasure to have you as part of the team. I know we kept asking for extra information, assistance, attendance at meetings etc. and Bitzios never said no, or rumbled about it not being part of your required involvement, it was always just ‘yes, what time and where?’… We would certainly recommend and encourage others in our team to engage with Bitzios for future projects.

Arlene Robb

Department of State Development

Council has always found Bitzios Consulting to have a high level of technical expertise and to provide a quality approach in attending to the detail of each of the projects. This has always resulted in comprehensive assessments and robust findings for each project…

Robert Mitchell

Gold Coast City Council